Michael Leyton
Paintings Sculptures Architectural Projects Musical Compositions Mathematical and Scientific Works
Professor Michael Leyton, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science
Michael Leyton's paintings, sculptures, and architectural projects, have been featured in international design journals and invited exhibitions. His scientific contributions have received several prizes, such as a presidential award, and a medal for scientific acheivement. It
is best for you to go through the paintings first before moving
on to the other works because the paintings are accompanied by a commentary
by Leyton on his work.
PAINTINGS Material Abstract Expressionist Paintings The Supremacy of Line Paintings The Religious Rain Series The Writing of Light Series.
ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS Introduction Adminstration Buildings Office Buildings Residential Buildings
SCULPTURES Sculpture Series 1 Sculpture Series 2 Sculpture Series 3
MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS Scores are currently being mounted for the following: String
Quartet #5 (score and musical excerpt)
MATHEMATICAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS Symmetry, Causality, Mind (Book, MIT Press, 630 pages) Summary of contributions in Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, etc. Tutorial on Leyton's Process
Home Page and email address: MLeyton@msn.com